Thursday, 21 January 2016

Mango Ice Blocks

I recently made these mango ice blocks at a kids food workshop and they were a real hit.  With all the juicy mangoes in store right now, it seems like a perfect time to take advantage of them.  I'm not sure if it was the amazing smell of the mangoes or using fresh coconut water that got the kids interested?  For the little extra time needed, it is really worth using fresh coconut water for the taste.  Added bonus, you get to crack the coconut open and eat the flesh afterwards too.
Fun Fact: Mangoes are pretty high in vitamin C which helps our immune system, and having just 1 cup will give you 35% of your daily vitamin A intake, assisting with our vision and maintaining healthy skin.  Teamed with the coconut water to boost our energy levels and also provide us with electrolytes to prevent dehydration, they make a perfect standby to have in the freezer as the temperatures rise. 

1 ripe mango
1 cup coconut water

Drain the water from your coconut and set it aside.
Roughly chop the mango and place it in the blender along with the coconut water.  Blend for a couple of seconds or more if you don't want chunky bits in your ice blocks, then pour into ice block moulds and freeze until set.
You can always use another fleshy fruit like pineapple, peach, nectarine or lychee (seeded of course)for variety.  Or a combination of a few.  Be creative according to your own likes or your families likes.
(makes approx. 8 little ice blocks)
Enjoy ☺Shaz

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