An extra special bonus was found in my freezer this afternoon, with a couple of pieces of this fudge left there in a container from last month. The perfect little snack to have on stand-by, so I thought I'd share since it's so easy to make. You'll get about 12 squares and I think my left overs had been there just over a month and still it tasted delicious.
12 medjool dates (pitted)
1 cup natural peanut butter
pinch Himalayan salt
Place the dates into a food processor and blend until they're quite fine, almost a paste on their own. Then add the natural peanut butter and the salt and blend until the mixture turns into a ball. Press out into a slice tin lined with baking paper and pop into the freezer.
for about 2 hours before cutting it into squares to serve. It's best to
cut the whole quantity while it's still frozen and place it into the
fridge for a couple of hours before sharing. Any leftovers will last a
week in the fridge, or up to a month in the freezer. Just make sure
your container is airtight, or it will get a little freezer burn happening. Still taste fine, but will look a little less appealing.
Enjoy ♥ Shaz