The particular juice I'm sharing at this time is one for sore throats.
2 large carrots
a 3-4cm piece of ginger
1 lemon (peeled)
1 lime (peeled)
Then it's just a case of washing your carrots thoroughly and peeling if they're not organic. Washing the ginger. Peeling the lemon and lime and then juicing them all. One word of warning though! It does have a little bite and you only need to take little sips at a time. Taste a little, and if you need to you can add an extra carrot for sweetener. You could add a little pineapple, but I have omitted it for me as I know it can cause mouth ulcers.
Like any food we eat, or exercise we do, we need to be in tune with our bodies and what works for us.
Shaz :)
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